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Στο θα βρείτε συναρπαστικά άρθρα για διάσημες ελληνικές προσωπικότητες, τα ονόματα των οποίων έχουν μείνει για πάντα στην ιστορία. Εδώ θα βρείτε συναρπαστικά άρθρα για επιφανείς πολιτικούς, επιστήμονες και φιλοσόφους που είχαν τεράστιο αντίκτυπο στην ανάπτυξη του παγκόσμιου πολιτισμού και της επιστήμης. Τα άρθρα αυτά σας βοηθούν να γνωρίσετε περισσότερα για τη ζωή και τις παρακαταθήκες σπουδαίων προσωπικοτήτων, τα επιτεύγματα των οποίων εμπνέουν εκατομμύρια ανθρώπους.
Επιπλέον, το παρέχει πληροφορίες για διάσημους Έλληνες ηθοποιούς, μουσικούς και άλλες σημαίνουσες προσωπικότητες που άφησαν πολύχρωμο στίγμα στη βιομηχανία των τεχνών και των μέσων ενημέρωσης. Κάθε δημοσίευση αποκαλύπτει μοναδικά στοιχεία και ενδιαφέρουσες λεπτομέρειες για τη βιογραφία τους, δημιουργώντας μια ολοκληρωμένη εικόνα της επαγγελματικής τους πορείας και της προσωπικής τους συμβολής στον ελληνικό πολιτισμό.
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- GST Return & Case Handling
- Income Tax Return & Case Handling
- Audit & Balance Sheet Preparation
- TDS Return
- Company Registration & Trad Mark
- Food License
We provide Some of the Best Services

GST Registration
– Application of GST Registration
– Composition Scheme
– GST Return Filing
– E-Way Bill

Income Tax
-Income tax consultancy
– Minimizing Income tax
– Tax & compliance
– Income tax slab

Audit & Balance Sheet
-Audit and Balance Sheet Preparation
– Statutory & Tax Audit
– Compliance Audit
– Internal auditing

Company Registration
– Limited Liability partnership
– Private Limited Company
– TDS Return
-Trade Mark Registration
Chartered Accountant Services
We deliver what we commit – We commit when we are sure to deliver.

Who we are?
We are prominent Chartered Accountants in India. We offer services in New Delhi and other major cities in India, like accounts outsourcing, auditing, company formation in India, Business taxation, corporate compliance, starting business in India, registration of foreign companies, taxation of expatriates etc.

Why we Do?
Across industries, services, and operational levels, we help our clients ensure excellence by giving them the benefit of our 80 years of experience. With professional expertise, and a multidisciplinary skilled team, we are committed to our mutual progression – client’s success is our success.

Why choose us?
We are team of experienced professionals who add value to their business.
Our clients can expect:
- A fresh and proactive approach to their accounts and tax planning
- A friendly and personal service
- Innovative solutions to requirements

How we are different!
Our firm of chartered accountants represents a coalition of specialized skills that is geared to offer sound financial solutions and advices. The organization is a congregation of professionally qualified and experienced persons who are committed to add value and optimize the benefits accruing to clients.
Able – Ethical – Reliable
We are able to handle all your professional work in the domain of Start Ups, Audit, Consulting, Tax, Ind-AS, Valuation, NRI’s services and Trust, NGO Management etc. having ethical practices and acts as a reliable solution provider.
Let’s Solve your Problem
We at NBC focus on helping clients design and build Tomorrow’s organisation. We provide real world solutions to complex business issues through audit and assurance functions, taxation-international and domestic, startup in India, company formation in India and foreign investment in India etc.
Why Choose Our Legal Services
Viverra nec blandit vel egestas et augue vestibulum

Company Formation in India
We give advice on Company Registration in India and provide the complete solution for Company Formation in India, Private limited Company Formation and Company Incorporation in India.

Internal Audit is an independent appraisal function established within an organization to examine and evaluate its activities as a service to the organization.

Business Taxation
Direct tax consultancy together with innovative tax efficient strategies, provided by us form an integral part of viable business decisions. These help our clients attain the desired goals.
Request a Free Consultation
Call at +919654748677 (Kundan Kumar Srivastava)